Sub Rosa
SUB ROSA: A Briefing on Espionage & the Occult
The Magus As Spy & the Spy As Magician
"Here is the ancient tension. To be. To know. Well, the magician has a spell to weave here, too. The intellect divorced from old-fashioned neurosis, freed from egocentricity, from semantic reification. The mind illuminated by meditation ready to play with the lawful rhythm of concepts. The Bead Game." ~Leary, Metzner
ESPionage is strongly rooted in the Occult and Secret Societies, as well as 19th Century Psychology and 20th Century parapsychology. Throughout the centuries, power has been ready to recruit magicians, miracle workers and devils to its side. Occultism has served as "an alternative account of the world, available to people dissatisfied with the orthodox view of things, scientifically and politically, since the late 18th century.
Queen Elizabeth recruited John Dee much like the Pentagon weaponized Robert Monroe's bilocation (OBEs) and hemisynch brain entrainment techniques. Watergate burgler E. Howard Hunt became fascinated with the occult after the real Exorcist incident happened in his neighborhood. His CIA partner was William Peter Blatty. The notorious author (allegedly of Arab descent) ran a mind control program for the Army in Lebanon according to Alex Constantine (2000, Covert War Against Rock, Feral Press). His tale revolutionized the horror genre.
“By 2007, my artistic medium changed: the world is my canvas; intelligence is my medium.” “If the world is my canvas, the palette is a shapeshifting morphology of belief systems and ideologies.” ~IO
"I am simply identifying modes of experience. We need new perceptions to cope. Our technologies are generations ahead of our thinking. If you begin to think about these new technologies you appear as a poet because you are dealing with the present as the future. That is my technique. . .Never predict anything that hasn't already happened." Marshall McLuhan, The Hot and Cool Interview; Memories of Now
In secret; privately or confidentially: held the meeting sub rosa. A "black" (sub rosa) propaganda section.
[Latin sub rosâ, under the rose (from the practice of hanging a rose over a meeting as a symbol of confidentiality) : sub, under + rosâ, ablative of rosa, rose.]
The phrase Sub Rosa comes from the Latin and means ‘under the rose’ or confidentiality. The rose was the emblem of the god Horus in ancient Egypt. Later the Greeks and Romans regarded him as god of silence. This originates from a Greek/Roman misinterpretation of an Egyptian hieroglyphic adopting Horus along with Isis and Osiris as a God. The Greeks translated his Egyptian name Her - pa - khrad to Harpocrates. Cupid gave Harpocrates a rose as a token of gratitude for not betraying the mother of Cupid, Venus. Among the Freemasons the rose is the symbol of silence.
There have always been Watchers since primordial times. Tribes spied on one another. Formal spying and covert operations date back from the dawn of kingship and kingdoms. It took on fresh impetus during the Reformation and the English break with Rome. Under the Tudor Rose, espionage was raised to a new level using the occult powers of Dr. John Dee and the Rosicrucian Frances Bacon, and spymaster Walsingham.
Ciphers and codes that had been used in the occult to hide gnosis from the church were used in mundane but supersecret communiques.
Looking at the scorecard or playerlist of a game isn’t the same as playing it. The game looks quite different from the inside out, where the occult or hidden operations of controlling the world go on.
Seeing the World in a Whole New Light; Tweaking the Timeline
In chaos theory, small perturbations can become pumped up into very large effects. The same can happen to the historical timeline with intelligence and espionage. Small changes in dynamics can make a huge difference in Real World outcomes.
One must carefully pick where to make one’s intervention. A mis-step can lead to the brink of a catastrophic Abyss.
In Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, a 1964 black comedy film, director Stanley Kubrick satirizes the Cold War and the doctrine of MAD – mutual assured destruction. Hawkish military personnel and mad scientists push bomber planes beyond the Fail Safe position toward nuclear annihilation.
Global Architectronics
When Deputy Director Frank Wisner calls the CIA global propaganda machine "the mighty Wurlitzer," he means they are playing the global scene like an organ.
Hermann Hesse not only wrote the classic introspective novels Siddhartha and Steppenwolf, but won the Nobel prize in Literature (1946) for his final masterwork published under two titles in English: The Glass Bead Game or Magister Ludi. This work (set in the 23rd Century) describes a cadre of individuals and their headmaster -- the Magister Ludi -- engrossed in interdisciplinary play engineering cultural values from behind the scenes. Hesse never forthrightly explained just how the game is played, but gave many hints to its structure for future aspirants seeking solutions to the critical predicament of mankind through Global Architectronics.
The Glass Bead Game is a commentary of how we construct our realities. It requires that its players synthesize aesthetics and philosophy, making deep connections from seemingly unrelated topics. Mystic game players use interdisciplinary symbols to manipulate multi-level metaphors. In the end, the Magister Ludi realizes the futility of the game, and leaves it. He deprograms himself from his former goal.
It illustrates the ways that people position not just themselves but how they construct, deconstruct, signify, encode and program their entire perception of reality. One needs to understand reality before one can deliberately allocate it. It takes years of study to acquire the comprehensive backgrounds in the arts and sciences.
The Glass Bead Game is thus a mode of playing with the total contents and values of our culture; it plays with them as, say, in the great age of the arts a painter might have played with the colors on his palette. The Game's synthetic, non-linear information play is a forerunner of virtual reality.
After each symbol conjured up by the director of a Game, each player was required to perform silent, formal meditation on the content, origin, and meaning of this symbol, to call to mind intensively and organically its full purport. The members of the Order and of the Game associations brought the technique and practice of contemplation with them from their elite schools, where the art of contemplation and meditation was nurtured with the greatest care.
“Theoretically,” writes the Narrator Archivist, “this instrument is capable of producing in the Game the entire intellectual content of the universe. The manuals, pedal, and stops are now fixed. Changes in their number and order and attempts at perfecting them, are actually no longer feasible except in theory.” And with this statement, he reveals the limitations of the game: its elitism, its hubris, its stagnation, and its sterility. In its infancy, the Game was played with delicate glass beads, which have since been discarded as too . . . real? They connected the Game with the spiritual beads played by religious believers worldwide, as the robes, and secret language, and ceremonial trappings of the game form a mock religious experience in the time of the Narrator Archivist. Without them, the game flies into the ether without a tether to reality. In our world, prayer beads and the repetition of simple phrases serve as keys to transcendence. In Castalia, they are discarded and the key is lost. The Narrator Archivist makes no reference to the ecstatic states that might be achieved by Glass Bead Game players. The games as he describes them in Knecht’s time (the twenty-second century) and his own (the twenty-fourth century) apparently fall short of what seems the obvious goal.
The variety of the phenomenal world reached perfection and ultimate cognition only in the divine Unity. Thus, "realizing" was a favorite expression among the players. They considered their Games a path from Becoming to Being, from potentiality to reality...We would scarcely be exaggerating if we ventured to say that for the small circle of genuine Glass Bead Game players the Game was virtually equivalent to worship.
The name Castaglia, the place of knowledge, is the Italian form of the Latin Castalia, which was the Roman name for the spring on Mount Parnassus where dwelt the mythical Muses. Castalia was also the name for the abstract realm of the intelligentsia. Under the shifting hegemony of now this, now that science or art, the Game of games had developed into a kind of universal language through which the players could express values and set these in relation to one another. Let the game begin?
Post-Metaphysical Spirituality
What happens when the prey realizes its predicament and become the predator? In intelligence parlance, it is called Counter Measures, and that is just what is required by agent provocateurs in today’s world to maintain even the slightest semblance of ever-elusive “freedom.” This is summarized nicely in the movie The Matrix, where Neo navigates his way through an artificially constructed maze of situations and synthetic environments the participants mistake for reality.
"Society is built on a careful balance of thinkers and non-thinkers. Society relies on a few thinkers to break the rules and bring innovation, but at the same time relies on non-thinkers to perform the daily tasks that keep society alive. Business relies on a few people to bring innovation and on millions of non-thinkers to buy it. Capitalism, communism, fascism [globalism] all rely on people not to think too much, otherwise the system would become highly unstable. If people thought, McDonalds and Coca Cola would be out of business, and nobody would listen to the Beatles or watch Hollywood hits. And probably very few people would work as hard as they do. It would be total anarchy. Not only there exist different levels of consciousness, but society (and possibly nature at large) depends on a delicate balance of those levels." -Piero Scaruffi
"...‘our rulers’...are engaged in the manipulation of symbols. We must consider ourselves a symbolic, semantic class of life, and cannot cease from being so those who control the symbols rule us. "Bankers, priests, lawyers, politicians, [and news media] constitute one class [of our rulers] and work together. They do not produce any values but manipulate the values produced by others, and often pass signs for no value at all. Scientists and teachers also comprise a ruling class. They produce the main values mankind has, but, at present, they do not realize this. They are, in the main, ruled by the cunning methods of the first class." - Korzybski
In the wake of the Enlightenment, the notion arose of an intellectual elite, a distinguished social stratum that can be traced far back into classical history. The elite classes of intellectuals or well-educated people emerged in most European countries
The intelligentsia is a social class of people engaged in complex mental and creative labor directed to the development and dissemination of culture, encompassing intellectuals and social groups close to them (e.g., artists, mystics, psychologists, psychiatrists, scientists and teachers). It is the forerunner of what we can call the ‘psychedelic intelligentsia’ and today’s New Age spiritual fusion.
Utopian socialism is the philosophical root of modern socialist thought. Anyone can be a utopian socialist, but the trend emerged in the first quarter of the 19th century. From the mid-19th century onwards, the other branches of socialism overtook utopianism in popularity.
Societies are cyclic, always in a continual process of constructing themselves and destructing from within. Utopian socialists are forerunners of communal hippie life, intentional communities and cooperatives. Utopian nostalgia is exemplified in the Star Trek and Star Wars philosophy. Its dystopian reflection is The Matrix, the postmodern Brave New World.
Quasi-socialist intellectuals created hypothetical visions of perfect egalitarian and communal societies without actually concerning themselves with the manner in which these societies could be sustained. Yet, they shared a dream.
Theosophical studies cover the origin and development of the cosmos and human development in all the planes of being from its beginning to its end. It is a philosophy of process, transformation, and evolution toward an extraordinary human potential. Out of this Utopian and scientific socialism came Theosophy, British” guild" socialism, the Fabian Society, Bertrand Russell, H. G. Wells, Tavistock and iconoclast Aleister Crowley. Aleister Crowley is an infamous occultist.
Occultism has served as "an alternative account of the world, available to people dissatisfied with the orthodox view of things, scientifically and politically, since the late 18th century. Older than Theosophy with roots in kabbalah, Hermetics, and pantheism, Magick was a practical application of causing change to conform with will using similar principles. They both embrace the Hermetic Axiom: “As Above; So Below,” which reflects the identity of man as a microcosm.
The Cryptocracy, through economics and mass mind control is involved in the transformation or "alchemical processing" of mass consciousness by psychological mind manipulation. With the help of these foundations and secret societies, experiments in world shaping continue multimedia and military campaigns. The goal is to seed and control megatrends so the masses live as controlled puppets – wage slaves -- of the ruling elite.
Occult societies have a long tradition of influence peddling and providing covers for espionage. They are conduits of trust that transcend national borders and can cover a spy network. Naturally, occultists influenced one anothers’ beliefs, whether it was acknowledged or not.
Black intelligence ops, “Esoterics” has always been a department in most intelligence services. In MI6, it was called the Occult Bureau. The SS also had an Occult Bureau. The Watch were FDR’s supersecret team for occult countermeasures, arcane assassinations, paranormal and psychic investigation. After the war, The Watch redirected its interest to UFO phenomena.
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The Secret: To Dare, To Will, To Know, To Keep Silent
Intelligence is the key to understanding the world today. What spies have in common with magicians is an uncanny ability to connect the seemingly unconnected, to notice what goes on behind the scenes and to see through misdirection ~ it takes one to know one. Both have learned to synthesize and interprete data, how to pace and lead people (hypno-patsies) with rapport. The opening gambit of psychological warfare and mind control is flattery.
As trained observers, magicians and spies are adept at people-reading and keeping secrets; both are actors -- performers. Both are in secret societies that rely on craft and often use collaborators or confederates, and mentors. How much different is stealth and surveillance than a spell of invisibility? Each have their rules of engagement in the Great Work and the Great Game.
Clandestine Craft
Even some of the elements of tradecraft are the same. Both are cryptic, using encryptions and codes. Each has its own arcane language, symbols and rituals veiled from the profane. Remote Viewing or psychic spying is virtually identical with clairvoyance. Ceremonial psychodrama is played out in public, in personality cults and "ritual" murders.
Both use passwords and slogans for security. Cryptography is now ubiquitous. All domestic and foreign electronic communication is monitored by programs like Echelon. Spies and magicians both are cracking the Brain Code, the wetware of humanity.
Cryptocracy refers to a type of government where the real leaders are hidden. There may possibly be a fake government that appears to be in charge and this fake government might not know themselves that they are not in charge. It can also be used when referring to similar arrangements in organisations, orders, sects and cults.
Everywhere is Ground ZeroIn military terms psychic operations are called psychotronics. Adversaries are rogue psi operatives, psiwarriors who battle like sorcerers. Psychic self defense employs thought disruption, shielding techniques, mind drain and energy manipulation. Psionics is scientific magic ~ magecraft, the product of extraordinary human potential. Precogs, like analysts, are attuned to the future.
Deep Cover
They understand viscerally that things are often not what they seem. Both are masters of disguise, the hidden environment, intelligence, espionage, and covert action. Both aim to 'tweak the timeline' with small perturbations that pump up to macroscopic results, setting up currents of intentional influence. They also tweak minds by controlling the environment. No one can resist what they cannot detect.
Both are Inside Outsiders, working at the fringes of the System. The "outsider" aesthetic is charged by a desire to break free from the contrivances of tradition. They look boldly outside the system and deep within themselves for inspiration that arises directly from Creative Source.
Both work sub rosa.
The occult is one of the keys to world events; reality is also defined by politics. Like nature, history is cyclic. Drug companies are as powerful as banks and oil. Corporate feudalism has replaced democracy as the new elitist rule. Corporations compete with nation-states and international mafia-style crime rings.
It takes intelligence to be a magician, but a magician can also be an active agent of intelligence, figuratively and literally. The real question is, rather, how and why and who and what do these things serve? Restoring self and society is the essential wisdom of the Grail. But this quest can be coopted for narcissistic or pathological ends. The Secret Doctrine can introduce both positive and negative praeternatural forces.
Secret Missions
Who is served by the Holy Grail of occult knowledge? What is the Grail, and who does it serve? The secret is in the power and the power is in The Secret. It is a meaningless metaphor without the experiential process of self-transformation to back it up. That’s why it can’t be told. It is the panacea, a personal path of recovery for “what ails thee.” The Grail is a metaphor for connection to the mystical Source of everything, the ever-renewing Fount of all manifestation.
All paths lead toward a personal journey of transformation and enlightenment, though not all journeys fulfill the total potential of creativity, compassion, engagement, and spirituality. On a classical “hero’s journey” like Parcival, when you find the Grail, and are called to its service, no knowledge remains hidden for long. Magick was the first transdisciplinarian occupation, drawing on all areas of knowledge. Before science divorced the occult arts it was called Natural Philosophy.
Trump Card
A Magus is a “worker of magic” which eludes rational definition. The Magus is both a symbol of enlightenment and deception (disinformation)-- just like the Tarot card, The Fool, is a card of duality: Wisdom and Folly.
"Now you see it; now you don't" is the forte of the illusionist, the juggler of realities, who is master of Orwellian double-think – holding the tension of the opposites. You alternate between faith and skepticism until you go beyond the ordinary boundaries of both - "slay each thought with its opposite." Myths present themselves as systems of antinomies, or opposites: heaven/hell, good/evil, life/death. The Magus lives at the Paradox.
Traditionally, the Magus is one who can demonstrate hands-on magic: healing, transformative rituals, metaphor therapy, alchemical transmutations, charging of talismans, spirit comm, etc. Magick works on the principle that man is a microcosm.
Arts Magian
A modern Magus is any person who completes the circuit between heaven and Earth, one who seeks to bring forth the divine 'gold' within her or himself. He or she is also a Mentor, an Initiator, divining and reading the signs and revealing deeper purpose and meaning in “the godgame.”
But that is how the outer world sees it. Every Magus has a foot in both worlds. Their inner life is mercurial, a complex psychic layer-cake of inner planes of transcendent experience where quantum leaps of consciousness are possible and messages are exchanged with the Great Unknown.
Perception of what is real and what is not dims and vanishes in a whirlwind of synchronicities. Imagination is reality. Magicians understand the world we live in, or think we live in, is an illusion, a construct of our own perceptual apparatus and a malleable interpretation of our brains.
But the hyperdimensional gifts of the Spirit come at a price. The magician taps into, becomes one with, an essence that pop culture calls The Force. Photons and phonons are quantized modes of vibration. This subatomic vibration of Light and Sound is the enlivening force, which feeds creation and allegedly responds to focused intention. Information controls and patterns energy.
Hermetics is a Spiritual Technology
For masters of the Hermetic Arts, all magick is wrought through this impressionable ether – the Astral Light --a plenum of potential, using true properties of nature, it's laws, forces, and principles. Science now describes it as the scalar physics of subspace. The mage seeks to selectively establish an internal order out of this chaos, then externalize it, according to his vision. He is the soul guide who initiates the transformation process.
The Hermetica included works on magic, alchemy, astrology, healing, gnosis, theurgy, ritual and philosophy. Sympathetic magic contends that like substances sharing an essence can influence one another through resonance effects. Likewise the hypnotic and magnetic qualities of charismatic individuals can create rapport with others to influence them.
Magick Metaprograms
This power card also represents the fine line dividing white magic from black magic, toxic or malignant black ops. Sensory deprivation, loss of equilibrium, confusion techniques, social isolation, physiological stress, severe shock and ceremonial terror tactics were the forerunners of brainwashing techniques. The Magus is a mind control expert - an environ-mentalist.
This is the realm of psychic attack and psychic self defense, of sorcerers stealthily vying with one another for power. Weaponized ESP can affect the body, mind and soul of one's opponent. But it can boomerang back on the sender 3-fold, according to the cautionary prescription.
Power can be used in either a self-serving manner, or one in service to the All. In order for The Magus to achieve his aims, there must be constant awareness and self-examination, pressing on and exploring one’s boundaries, breaking through into the boundless realms.
This is also the Trump of discernment. The Magus can discriminate between various realities and fantasies, between various points of view, without buying into any belief system, literally. The sorcerer orchestrates and works within others’ belief systems.
By molding worldviews, a magician creates the perception, manipulates and defines the perceived reality, creates the structure for self-organizing transformation. He believes no metanarratives but orchestrates them for others. He is an opportunistic paradigm shifter, shapeshifter, chameleon, trickster. If you assume a role does that make it real? If not, fake it till you make it. Better to be an inspired lunatic than uninspired, or so Crowley’s arc implies.
Visionary Culture Legacy
Another magnetic mercurial personality, Tim Leary, took notes on Crowley's cult of personality. Leary admitted Crowley inspired him and bootstrapped his book 'The Game of Life' (Part 4 of his Future-History Series) from the scientific-occult philosophy of Aleister Crowley and Tarot. He understood Crowley was on a similar path, only using different language. He called Crowley an 'Agent of Evolution.'
LSD rascal-guru Timothy Leary was a Crowley enthusiast. He said: “I’ve been an admirer of Aleister Crowley. I think that I’m carrying on much of the work that he started over a hundred years ago … He was in favor of finding yourself, and ‘Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law’ under love. It was a very powerful statement. I’m sorry he isn’t around now to appreciate the glories he started.” (Late Night America, Public Broadcasting Network, cited by Hells Bells, Reel to Real Ministries).
Leary also had his own relationship with both the mystic arts and the CIA. One of his famous early books was called HIGH PRIEST. He was called "the Pope of Dope.". Both fearlessly explored the outer limits of human potential. Psychologists - essentially psychic engineers - exert both local and remote control on human minds and behavior. see
Hermeneutics is the study of theories and methods of the interpretation of systems of meaning, including interpretations of experience, or human behaviour generally, including language and patterns of speech, social institutions, and ritual behaviours (such as religious ceremonies, political rallies, football matches, rock concerts, etc.). It is a specific method or theory of interpretation, such as Freud or Jung's depth psychologies, for example. The word hermeneutics is a term derived from 'Ερμηνεýς, the Greekword for interpreter. This is related to the name of the Greek god Hermes in his role as the interpreter of the messages of the gods. Hermes was believed to play tricks on those he was supposed to give messages to, often changing the messages and influencing the interpretation thereof. The Greek word thus has the basic meaning of one who makes the meaning clear. A DECODER.
There is a tradition of Spooks and Wizards consorting since Elizabethan spymaster Walsingham recruited magus John Dee for his MI spy network. The unholy alliance continues to this day in Psionics and Psychotronics and PsiOps - the weaponization of the occult arts, even if under new "more scientific" names. The modern version spawned psionics, psychotronics and PsiOps - the weaponization of occult mental focus. Extreme psychic countermeausres can range from attacks on the energy body to organs of the target. Usually, the specific target in arcane assassination is the hear or brain --heart attack or stroke are the methods of choice.
Walsingham proved that intelligence equaled power. He recruited educated young men--like playwright Christopher Marlowe--random lowlifes, and traveling merchants. Hmmm, writers, jugglers and magicians, again? Magicians and alchemists have always made potions, nostrums, tonics, even poisons. It is part of their stock in trade.
Dee is probably best known for his deep involvement in skrying, magic and mystery. The Elizabethan Magus advanced the fields of mathematics, mapmaking, and navigation. His interests included alchemy, mysticism, and astrology. Dee's personal library was one of the largest in Europe. His obsessions, like Crowley’s, also included the pursuit of angels and spirits; he claimed to summon the divine secrets of the universe from angels and archangels.
Following the examples of his predecessors, Crowley’s promotion of drugs, used for induced psychotic states and sexual abandon, was followed by Tavistock Institute sponsorship. His contemporary Carl Jung (1975-1961) provided the science; Crowley laid down the hedonistic drug, sex, and magick philosophy. Both saw the death of the old society but not the psychedelic rebirth of the new paradigm.
With his slow-motion magick, his long-term intentional influence, it was Crowley who eventually pulled the cosmic trigger on a cultural revolution with an unlikely accomplice – the CIA. The infamous MK Ultra program of the CIA dosed unsuspecting CIA officials with LSD, and their reactions were studied like "guinea pigs".
Later, acid was turned on the unsuspecting general population. Curiously, the LSD “counter-culture” of the 1960s, the “student revolution”, was financed by $25 million from the CIA to deliberately ruin the peace movement. LSD use continues at a steady rate in the youth drug scene throughout generations; it just doesn't get the press it once did..
In their own CIA Black Ops program, Astral travel became Remote Viewing and psychism became Psychotronics, weaponized ESP influencing the mindbody of another at a distance, often with malevolence. It gave new meaning to ESPionage. Crowley’s occult fighting with MacGregor Mathers is well known and perhaps the exemplar of psychic attack.
Psychedelic cults took root in the U.S. and spread from San Francisco to Europe. The mystic arts, such as astrology and tarot became commonplace. Though he didn’t live to see it, Crowley got his New Age, even if the results seem a little childish or narcissistic to those of a more mature disposition. Broader than reform, deeper than revolution, this benign conspiracy for a new human agenda triggered chaotic cultural evolution even if polarity and stress undergird it.
The Flower Children and drugs and free sex Hippies were followed by disenfranchised punks and disillusioned postmoderns and skeptical cyberfreaks. The Internet and cell phones have made voluntary ESP possible and soon we will have direct Brain-Computer interface.
Aquarian Conspirators, 1980’s pioneers of social transformation, embodied the cultural imprint of Tavistock vision (Whole Earth Conspiracy). They used their mindbodies and PCs in the battle toward a higher consciousness, networking and urging a paradigm shift to a more mindful society. The way to heal the imbalances is to heal ourselves. Tools are shapers of their users, individuals fall into the thrall of institutions, "development" can be a trap.The way to heal ourselves is to pay attention, to witness, to share wisdom. But the wounds that won’t heal are the programmed personality disorders – neurotic childishness, self-absorption or immaturities promoted by the Tavistock agenda in schools, media, and therapy.
“New Age” is an umbrella term to describe organizations which seem to exhibit one or more of the following beliefs: (1) All is one, all reality is part of the whole; (2) Everything is God and God is everything; (3) Man is God or a part of God; (4) Man never dies, but continues to live through reincarnation; (5) Man can create his own reality and/or values through transformed consciousness or altered states of consciousness.
