Open Source Society

SPYWHISPERER * Press Release * MLK & COINTEL * Manifesto 2010 * META HARI * Sub Rosa * The Spywhisperer * Age of Intelligence * Transformation Agent * Rolling Stone * Wizards * Snake-Eaters * Kennntel * Zero Point * Uber-Spook * Parapsychology * Mind Control * Bioholography * Skullduggery * Blog * Powertrain * World-Class Paranoia * Open Society * Osborne Effect * MLK Assassination * Reality Wormholes * Esoteric Dope * Manifesto 2008 * Cryptoporticus Productions 2010 * God Never Sleeps * Photo 2 What's New


The challenge for today's global citizens is to decide if our society remains an Open SORE or an OPEN SOURCE SOCIETY. Can we preserve our democratic liberties in the information age, in the age of surveillance and insure freedom of thought. Can we preserve our lifestyle by means that don't come at the expense of other global citizens?

An open society is concerned with domestic civil liberties, multilateralism, economic development, civil rights, human rights, women's rights and criminal justice reform.

Open borders and open trade also increase the potential of transnational crimes.  It is time for a shift in US foreign and pdomestic policies.

What's New with My Subject?

If I didn't include a news section about my site's topic on my home page, then I could include it here.